Vivien Prideaux

●4 Septemberー23 October 2007

“Dye, Spin and Weave” —An textile exhibition by Vivien Prideaux, Yoko Kano and Toyomi Harada

vivienIt was like a dream come true, Katsuyama in September 2007. The days were clear and warm as I worked in the beautiful ancient house of Master Dyer Yoko Kano, famous for her ‘Noren’, or door curtains, that adorn each house and shop along the winding historic main street.

For two months I prepared a joint exhibition with Yoko Kano and Toyomi Harada, weaver from the nearby Arts and Craft Village, at Hishio’s stunning gallery elevated high above the town with splendid views down the river.

The idea that I, a westerner, had used the Japanese art of resist dyeing – or ‘Shibori’ – in my work for many years, evoked huge interest from visitors and locals, keen to understand my approach to an honoured Japanese tradition. Two ladies even drove over night from Nagoya to attend the indigo workshop and drove back the same evening (5 hours each way!). What wonderful enthusiasm!

Everyone was so welcoming and as I eased in to daily life, it became like a home from home. I have the happiest memories of my short time in Katsuyama and keep the friendships I made in my heart.

I hope in the future to reciprocate the honour paid to me by arranging an exhibition of Japanese work in my native Cornwall

Oh and the sake is just wonderful either hot or cold!